One year Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Clinical Internship / Certificate in Supervisory Training in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (6 months)

One year Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Clinical Internship / Certificate in Supervisory Training in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (6 months)

One year Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Clinical Internship / Certificate in Supervisory Training in Cognitive behaviour Therapy (6 months)
  • Social workers, counselors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychiatric nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, Chinese medicine practitioners, and other professionals in related helping professions.
  • A Bachelor’s degree in the fields of medicine, nursing, psychology, social work, counseling or equivalent
Content Teaching Format Duration

Individual supervision on conducting supervision 15 hours provided by experienced CBT practitioners

15 hours provided by experienced CBT practitioners

6 months

Brief Biographies of the Trainers

Prof. WONG Fu Keung, Daniel

He is the Chair Professor of Mental Health and Counselling, Department of Social Work at Hong Kong Baptist University and teaches mental health, social work and counselling. He is a certified cognitive therapist and a Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapists, a mental health social worker and a clinical psychologist. He has rich clinical experience and is a popular trainer and speaker in CBT and mental health issues.

Dr. Chung Lai Ping, Catherine

She is a Lecturer at the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong. Since 2007, Dr. Chung actively involved to conduct CT therapeutic group and clinical training. On the other hand, she also provides individual counseling service for the people in need. She has great interest in using cognitive intervention for handling the emotional problems, traumatic experiences, parenting stress and addiction issue. She is the Clinical Fellow of the Institute and she is an approved counselor and supervisor of HKPCA.

Ms. CHENG Yin Ping

RSW, is the Institute’s Clinical Supervisor. She is an experienced social worker specializing in pre-school training for children with special needs, and working with parents with children with or without special needs. Ms. Cheng has substantial experience in supervising trainees in using cognitive intervention for handling the emotional needs of parents who have children with special needs.

Ms. Lui Wai Ling, Winnie

RSW and counselor, is the Institute’s clinical supervisor, an honorary lecturer at the University of Hong Kong, and private practicing counselor. She is an experienced social worker, has 25 more years working in Ngo. Her interests include using cognitive intervention to people with emotional disturbances, marital relationship and parenting. Ms. Lui has substantial experience in supervising trainees in using cognitive interventions.

    Testimonials from participants



    (完成 Level II 和完成實習)



    (完成 Level II 和進行實習輔導中)

    參與ICT的課程的感想,如果用一個字形容,答案係「值」。咁講不是求其、不是作狀、更不是因為我正修讀 LEVEL II 的課程,記得未報讀之前,我一樣對於進修懷著很多擔心,返工和照顧屋企已經夠累,還要上堂、接個案、見督導 ⋯⋯ 累是累,但肯定值得。「認知治療」過去曾在大學相遇、認識,對她的印象深刻,但並非深入;多年後經ICT介紹再次相遇,真的重新欣賞和喜歡上她,她也讓我更認識自己;有段時間,自己常不自覺地對身邊的人 發脾氣,事後會後悔懊惱,但又重複發生,學習CBT第一個「值」就是能更認識和幫助自己,我知道自己重視的人、事、物是甚麼,留意自己「四小碟」的反應和自動化思想,反問自己「值得嗎?」、「有咁嚴重嗎?」,對自己 / 他人作更合適的回應;為我真的帶來改變,也改善了與家人的關係。分享到此,其實還有很多「值」的地方,你來認識就會知道。


    (完成 3-day workshop,Level I 和修讀 Level II 中)