由多年前在不同的大学以计划形式发展到现在,我们的团队曾经为全港超过十八间社会服务机构、十八个服务单位推行认知治疗训练。我们是以『服务、评估及训练』(Service, Evaluation and Training 简称SET) 的模式提供培训。受训的参加者,必需参与为期两天或三天的理论训练,完成以后继续参与定期的督导,应用所学在其服务对象上。此外,我们也会协助机构设计研究方式,希望得出临床测试结果,搜集数据来引证治疗的成效。
黄富强、李凤葵、郑燕萍 编著(2013)
《对抗抑郁》小册子 原著:Coping with Depression, Aaron T. Beck, MD, and Ruth L. Greenberg, PhD. Revised 2000, Judith S. Beck, PhD, and Aaron T. Beck, MD. The Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research.
喻慧敏、黄富强、陈文珊翻译 (2007)
《驾驭焦虑 ─ 「认知治疗」自学/辅助手册》
黄富强、孙玉杰合着 (2007)
《走出抑郁的深谷 ─「认知治疗」自学/辅助手册》
黄富强主编 (2005)
The maintenance effect of cognitive-behavioural treatment groups for Chinese parents with children with developmental disabilities in Melbourne, Australia: A six-month follow-up study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 55, 1043-1053.
Wong, F.K.D., Poon, A. & Kwok, S.L.Y.C. (2011)
How do Chinese Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy trainees view their own therapy competence and the cultural compatibility of this therapy for Chinese clients with depression in Hong Kong? Hong Kong Journal of Mental Health, 38, 4-9.
Wong, F. K. D. (2011)
A brief cognitive-behavioural stress management programme for secondary school teachers. Journal of Occupational Health, 53, 23-35.
Leung, S.S.K., Chiang, V.C.L., Chui, Y.Y., Mak, Y.W. & Wong, F.K.D. (2011)
Cognitive-behavioural group treatment for Chinese parents with children with developmental disabilities in Melbourne, Australia: An efficacy study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44, 742-749.
Wong, F. K. D., & Poon, A. (2010)
Wong, F. K. D. Cognitive behavioural group treatment for Chinese people with depressive symptoms in Hong Kong: The participants’ perspective. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 61, 3, 439-459.
A six-month follow-up study of cognitive behavioral treatment groups for Chinese people with depression. Behaviour Change, 26, 2, 130-140.
Wong, F. K. D. (2009).
Cognitive and health-related outcomes of cognitive behavioral treatment groups for people with depressive symptoms in Hong Kong: A randomized waiting list control study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 42, 703-712.
Wong, F. K. D. (2008).
Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (DAS-A) in a community sample. International Journal of Psychiatry and Medicine, 38, 2, 141-152.
Wong, F. K. D., Chan, K. S., & Lau, Y. (2008)
The current state of cognitive therapy: A 40-year retrospective. Archive General of Psychiatry 62:953-959.
Beck, AT. (2005)
An information processing model of anxiety: Automatic and strategic processes. Behavior Research and Therapy, 35, 1, 49-58.
Beck, A. T. & Clark, D. A. (1997)