3-Day Workshop Form

3-Day Workshop Form

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1. Personal Information
Would you like to receive our courses information by email?
2. Academic Background
Year of Study*
3. Professional Membership (If any)
Are you a registered social worker?
4. General Information (Please read carefully)
Application will be accepted on first come first served basis until quota is full. Application will only be secured with payment.
Confirmation will be emailed to registrants within 5 working days of application. (If you do not receive our confirmation, please contact us on 2868 3870).
The program fee is nonrefundable except that the program is cancelled by our Institute.
This program is complied with Our Policy on the arrangement of Typhoon and Rainstorm Signal. (Please refer to our Website at http://www.icthk.org/tc/download/files/adverse_weather_arrangement_tc.pdf
For further enquiry, please send email to kateicthk@gmail.com or contact Miss Chan at 2868 3870
Membership Application
5. Training in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.